Administrative Law


Challenging administrative acts, representation in administrative bodies.

What we offer?

Consulting on Administrative Law

 Providing legal consultations on issues related to the activities of government agencies, administrative procedures, and compliance with administrative legislation. 

Assistance in Obtaining Licenses and Permits

 Assisting in the preparation and submission of documents for obtaining various licenses, permits, and accreditations necessary for conducting business and engaging in specific activities. 

Challenging Actions and Decisions of Government Agencies

 Representing clients in disputes with government agencies, challenging decisions and actions of state structures in both administrative and judicial proceedings. 

Consulting on Administrative Liability

 Assisting in understanding administrative offenses, providing advice on avoiding administrative liability, and preparing for participation in administrative proceedings. 

Assistance with Administrative Inspections

 Providing legal support during inspections by government agencies, preparing for inspections, interacting with inspecting authorities, and challenging the results of inspections. 

Preparation and Submission of Complaints and Applications

 Drafting and submitting complaints against the actions and decisions of government agencies, representing the client's interests in the complaint review process, and negotiating with authorities. 

Defense in Administrative Offense Cases

 Representing clients in cases of administrative offenses, preparing documents and evidence, and participating in courts on administrative cases. 

Assistance with Government Procurement and Tenders

 Providing consultation on participating in government procurement and tenders, assisting in the preparation of bids, challenging tender results, and protecting clients' interests in antitrust authorities. 

Representation in Administrative Courts

 Representing clients in administrative courts when challenging government decisions, protecting clients' rights and interests in administrative disputes.