About us

About us

We protect your rights

Professional protection of your interests

Sher Legal Law Firm was founded in 2022 by a talented and ambitious lawyer and blogger, Sherzod Egamberdiev.

The idea to create a unique brand that combines a legal consulting firm and legal services emerged during his university years.

Even as a student, Sherzod dreamed of creating a company that would provide comprehensive legal support and high-quality legal representation. He saw the need to integrate the best practices of consulting and law to solve the most complex legal issues.






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Corporate Law

Business registration and support, corporate governance, mergers and acquisition...

Civil Law

Dispute resolution, contract drafting and analysis, protection of property and n...

Labor Law

Consultation on labor legislation, protection of the rights of employees and emp...

Investment Law

Legal support for public-private partnership (PPP) projects, tax optimization wi...

Administrative Law

Challenging administrative acts, representation in administrative bodies.

Family Law

Divorce proceedings, property division, alimony, guardianship, and adoption.

Intellectual Property

Registration and protection of patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

International Law

Consultation on international trade and supply issues, export-import, support fo...

Criminal Law

Defense in criminal cases, court representation, consultation on criminal legisl...